EyUp Sports
EyUp Bradford
EyUp Leeds
Sign Up
About EyUp
Express Interest - EyUp Ladies
Pop down and see if EyUp is for you, everyone is welcome. Your BMI should be over 27.5 before joining EyUp, so its best to come along and speak to us first.
Your Name *
Email address *
Mobile No. *
I am interested in joining... *
Bradford Ladies (Bingley on Thursdays) - New Space Available
Other - We will contact you
Age *
Height (cm) *
Weight (kg) *
Your Current Level of Sport Activity *
None, need to get myself moving again
Moderate, I exercise 1 or 2 times per week
Good, I exercise 3+ times per week
Your Postcode *
What Health Conditions Do You Have (ie high blood pressure, diabetes, etc)
Please confirm you have read and agree to our Terms & Condition *
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