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Express Interest - EyUp Football
Pop down and see if EyUp Wellbeing if for you, everyone is welcome. Your BMI should be over 27.5 before joining our Wellbeing League, so its best to come along and speak to us first.
Firstname *
Surname *
Email address *
Mobile No. *
I am interested in joining... *
Bradford Wellbeing (Tuesdays) - Join the Waiting Room where you still get to participate
Leeds Wellbeing (Wednesdays) - Subscription and Pay As You Go
Harrogate - (Coming Soon)
Huddersfield - (Coming Soon)
Sheffield - (Coming Soon)
York - (Coming Soon)
Other - We will contact you
I am Interested in being a team captain *
Age *
Height (cm) *
Weight (kg) *
Your Current Level of Activity *
None, need to get myself moving again
Moderate, I exercise 1 or 2 times per week
Good, I exercise 3+ times per week
House/Flat No. or Name *
Postcode *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Mobile No. *
Emergency Contact Relationship *
What Health Conditions Do You Have (ie high blood pressure, diabetes, etc)
Additional Information/Questions *
I agree to setup monthly payment link. (This will be sent after your first week) *
Please confirm you have read and agree to our Terms & Condition *
Send me a copy
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