Privacy Policy & Cookies

This document applies to EyUp Sports Community Interest Company (known as EyUp Sports) and all the subsidiaries associated, such as EyUp Wellbeing and EyUp FC Bradford.

Last modified August ‘23.

Please note that this is a summary, and the full document contains more detailed information about each of these points. It's essential for individuals participating in EyUp Sports to carefully read and understand these terms and conditions before engaging with the services offered by the organization.

The provided text is a Privacy Policy and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) statement for EyUp Sports. This document outlines how EyUp Sports collects, uses, and protects personal information and data provided by visitors to its website, clients, and contacts. Here is a summary of the key points covered in the Privacy Policy:

  1. Managing Your Personal Information:

    • EyUp Sports collects personal data from various sources, including information provided directly by users, information from third parties, and data automatically collected during website visits.
    • Personal data is used for purposes such as providing services, improving the website, complying with legal obligations, and marketing.
    • Users have the right to request that their personal data not be used for marketing purposes.
  2. Protection of Your Information:

    • EyUp Sports has implemented administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard personal information and minimize the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure.
  3. Data Retention:

    • Personal information is retained for the duration of a user's engagement with EyUp Sports and for up to 2 years after.
  4. Legal Rights Under Data Protection Legislation:

    • Users have various legal rights under data protection laws, including the right to access, correct, and delete personal information, as well as the right to object to certain uses of data.
  5. Complaints:

    • Users who are unhappy with how EyUp Sports handles their personal data can contact EyUp Sports to address the issue.
  6. Links to Third-Party Sites:

    • EyUp Sports provides links to third-party websites and does not control the content or privacy policies of these sites.
  7. Use of Cookies:

    • EyUp Sports uses cookies to track website visitor behavior and improve the user experience. Users can manage cookie settings in their web browsers.
  8. Governing Law:

    • Use of the website is subject to English law, and any disputes related to the website will be under the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  9. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

    • EyUp Sports may update the Privacy Policy as needed to reflect changes in business practices, internal policies, or applicable laws.
  10. Contact Information:

    • Users can contact EyUp Sports at for questions or concerns related to their personal data and privacy.

Please note that this summary provides an overview of the Privacy Policy and GDPR statement, and users should refer to the full document for comprehensive details and explanations of their rights and EyUp Sports' data handling practices.


The provided text is a Privacy Policy and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) statement for EyUp Sports. This document outlines how EyUp Sports collects, uses, and protects personal information and data provided by visitors to its website, clients, and contacts. Here is a summary of the key points covered in the Privacy Policy:


Managing Your Personal Information:

EyUp Sports collects personal data from various sources, including information provided directly by users, information from third parties, and data automatically collected during website visits.

Personal data is used for purposes such as providing services, improving the website, complying with legal obligations, and marketing.

Users have the right to request that their personal data not be used for marketing purposes.

Protection of Your Information:

EyUp Sports has implemented administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard personal information and minimize the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure.

Data Retention:

Personal information is retained for the duration of a user's engagement with EyUp Sports and for up to 2 years after.

Legal Rights Under Data Protection Legislation:

Users have various legal rights under data protection laws, including the right to access, correct, and delete personal information, as well as the right to object to certain uses of data.


Users who are unhappy with how EyUp Sports handles their personal data can contact EyUp Sports to address the issue.

Links to Third-Party Sites:

EyUp Sports provides links to third-party websites and does not control the content or privacy policies of these sites.

Use of Cookies:

EyUp Sports uses cookies to track website visitor behaviour and improve the user experience. Users can manage cookie settings in their web browsers.

Governing Law:

Use of the website is subject to English law, and any disputes related to the website will be under the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

EyUp Sports may update the Privacy Policy as needed to reflect changes in business practices, internal policies, or applicable laws.

Contact Information:

Users can contact EyUp Sports at for questions or concerns related to their personal data and privacy.

Please note that this summary provides an overview of the Privacy Policy and GDPR statement, and users should refer to the full document for comprehensive details and explanations of their rights and EyUp Sports' data handling practices.

EyUp Sports is committed to respecting the privacy of all visitors to its website and of its clients and contacts. Please read the following Privacy Policy & GDPR Statement to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us or that we obtain or hold about you and to understand what your rights are in relation to information that we hold.

Managing Your Personal Information

In some areas of our website, we ask you to provide information that will enable us to supply you with our services or to contact you.

If you have any questions about the way in which we use your personal data, please contact us by email at

We collect personal data about you from several different sources, including:

  • Information that you provide to us when you complete our online forms or register with our website; or sign-in to use our online tools.
  • Information provided to us by third parties, including organisations with whom you are engaged or employed.
  • Information we automatically collect about your visits to our website to enable us to maintain and improve our services and website.​

In addition to information that we collect where we are in control, we also collect information on behalf of third parties. Where personal information is collected through our online tools (available by registration only), we do this as a data processor on behalf of the organisation that has directed you to our website and services, and this data is managed in accordance with our contractual obligation with that organisation and its own privacy notices, and not our own privacy notice.

We use this personal data for several different lawful purposes including:

  • to provide information and services to you, or your Organisation under the terms of a contract with you;
  • for our legitimate business interests to maintain and improve our website and services including analysis to develop and improve our software, testing, research, and surveys. Where possible we use this information in an anonymous and aggregated form to protect your privacy;
  • to comply with any legal obligations that we may have;
  • for our legitimate interests to keep in touch with you for marketing purposes and let you know about developments in the field of business psychology.

To protect your privacy, we do not routinely share personal data with third parties. We may share your personal data with:

  • our suppliers and contractors who enable us to provide the website and our online tools and materials;
  • our third-party partners for analysis and reporting, and where possible we try to do this with anonymous information;
  • if we have a legal duty or obligation to disclose your personal information.

We may disclose personal information if we buy or sell relevant business assets which may include your personal information.

We will also use this information to contact you to advise you of other services that may be of interest to you. You have the right to request that we do not use your personal data for marketing. You can exercise this right by contacting us at Even if you chose not to receive marketing information, we may still contact you to advise you of changes to our website, or security concerns or were permitted by law.

In accordance with EU GDPR Regulations, specifically your right to be forgotten, please click here to complete our request form. We will remove all your personal identifying data within 72 hours of your request being received. We may maintain unidentifiable Behaviour and SJT information, but it can NOT be related back to any individual once the above is complete. If you decide you would like your information retrospectively, that will not be possible. We run an over righting back-up solution, which may take up to 180 days to remove your personal identifying data fully.

Protection of your information

The information you provide will be kept confidential. We have in place administrative, technical, and physical measures on our website and internally designed to guard against and minimise the risk of loss, misuse or unauthorised processing or disclosure of the personal information that we hold.

We do not store your information longer than we need to provide services to you, or to ensure we have appropriate and auditable records. We generally hold appropriate records for the duration of your engagement with EyUp Sports and for up to 2 years after.

You have various legal rights under data protection legislation:

  • the right to request access to your personal information (known as a subject access request);
  • the right to request inaccurate information is corrected;
  • the right to request information is deleted in certain situations;
  • the right to request we stop using your information for certain purposes, including for marketing;
  • the right for decisions not to be made by wholly autonomous means.​

These rights may not be available in all circumstances, and we will tell you if this is the case. Where you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us via and we will respond within the applicable statutory time. If we are not sure of your identity, we may require you to provide further information for us to confirm who you are.

We will respect your personal information and undertake to comply with all applicable UK data protection legislation, both in respect of the personal information supplied by you on registration or as part of the recruitment process and in respect of any personal information which we may process.

If you are unhappy about the way we are handling your personal data, please contact us and we will try to rectify the situation.

Further details of our and your legal obligations and duties, including details of how to make a compliant, can be found at the Information Commissioner’s website at

We provide links to third party sites. As we do not control these websites, we cannot advise you on the content or nature of their privacy policies (if they have any). We therefore encourage you to look at the relevant privacy policy posted on any third-party sites.

We do not have any control over the content on these websites and we do not accept any liability arising from your use of the links.

Use of this website is subject to English law and the user agrees that the courts of England and Wales will have jurisdiction over any issues relating to the use of the website.

We may make changes to this policy from time-to-time as our business and internal practices and/or applicable laws change. We will not make any use of your personal information that is inconsistent with the original purpose(s) for which it was collected or obtained (if we intend to do so, we will notify you in advance wherever possible) or otherwise than is permitted by applicable law.

By using the site, the user agrees to the use of cookies. A cookie is a small data file that certain websites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you visit. The only personal details a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself.

We use cookies to determine what visitors to our website find useful. We are interested in which pages are most popular and were visitors stay longest. We will use this information to help users to reach these pages quickly.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can set your browser to warn you before the file is sent. You can refuse a cookie when your browser alerts you to its presence and you can also choose to refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser. If you are unsure how to do this, you can find more information on the website of your browser manufacturer.


How to contact us