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EyUp Leeds
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Express Interest - EyUp Football
Pop down and see if EyUp Wellbeing if for you, everyone is welcome. EyUp focuses on those with a higher BMI for overweight people and support for everyones wellbeing.
Firstname *
Surname *
Email address *
Mobile No. *
I am interested in joining... *
Bradford Wellbeing (Tuesdays) - Join the Waiting Room where you still get to participate
Leeds Wellbeing (Wednesdays) - Subscription and Pay As You Go
Harrogate - (Coming Soon)
Huddersfield - (Coming Soon)
Sheffield - (Coming Soon)
York - (Coming Soon)
Other - We will contact you
I am Interested in being a team captain *
Age *
Height (cm) *
Weight (kg) *
Your Current Level of Activity *
None, need to get myself moving again
Moderate, I exercise 1 or 2 times per week
Good, I exercise 3+ times per week
House/Flat No. or Name *
Postcode *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Mobile No. *
Emergency Contact Relationship *
What Health Conditions Do You Have (ie high blood pressure, diabetes, etc)
Additional Information/Questions *
I agree to setup monthly payment link. (This will be sent after your first week) *
Please confirm you have read and agree to our Terms & Condition *
Send me a copy
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